childhood on the road to Europe
More than two million children have been forced from their homes. Child refugees need care, services, dignity and protection as all other children. Many refugee children are unaccompanied, are often detained in unsafe and unsuitable conditions. They are also far more vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and other violations of their rights. Through no fault of their own, these children have already lived through trauma beyond the ability of most people to endure. Hundreds of young children in the arms of parents arrived in Croatia a few hours before the closing of the Hungarian border. Children could not hide the fear in their eyes while they walked so many kilometers with their parents to come to Europe. Every child has the right to survival, protection and education, and to have their voice heard.
A child is standing in line with family before registering at the reception center in Opatovac, near the town of Tovarnik where Croatian police registered refugees from the Middle East who have come from Serbia. After registering, the refugees continue their way to Slovenia, most refugees want to get to Germany.
A little girl is standing with her parents while a member of a humanitarian organization puts on socks to her brother at the reception center in Opatovac, near the town of Tovarnik Croatia. Some of the children during the journey were left without shoes and socks, some children have been replaced wet shoes for dry shoes. After registering, the refugees continue their way to Slovenia, most refugees want to get to Germany.
A man holding a child in his arms while he waits with family for registering at the reception center in Opatovac, near the town of Tovarnik where Croatian police registered refugees from the Middle East who have come from Serbia. After registering, the refugees continue their way to Slovenia, most refugees want to get to Germany.
The boy is standing in the crowd before registering at the reception center in Opatovac, near the town of Tovarnik where Croatian police registered refugees from the Middle East who have come from Serbia. After registering, the refugees continue their way to Slovenia, most refugees want to get to Germany.
Posters with portraits of people who are seeking for members of the family. A number of National Red Cross Societies in Europe are publishing more than 1450 photos of people looking for their missing relatives in the hope of reconnecting families.
A woman carries a child as she leaves the railway station Botovo, near Koprivnica, Croatia. Several thousand refugees arrived by train and started to walk towards the Hungarian border, which will be closed after a few hours.
Refugees from the Middle East are walking down the road in a place Botovo, near Koprivnica, Croatia. Several thousand refugees arrived by train and started to walk towards the Hungarian border, which will be closed after a few hours.
A man carries children as he leaves the railway station Botovo, near Koprivnica, Croatia. Several thousand refugees arrived by train and started to walk towards the Hungarian border, which will be closed after a few hours.
The boy holds a child while he talks to volunteers who distribute food and clothing to refugees who arrived in a place Botovo, near Koprivnica, Croatia. Several thousand refugees arrived by train and started to walk towards the Hungarian border, which will be closed after a few hours.
A woman walks with a child as she leaves the railway station Botovo, near Koprivnica, Croatia. Several thousand refugees arrived by train and started to walk towards the Hungarian border, which will be closed after a few hours.
The girl is holding the hand of her parents while she is waiting to cross into Hungary to reach the train which travels to Austria.
View through barbed wire on a child and parents who cross into Hungary where they will continue to travel by train to Austria.
Children's hat on the ground near the Croatian and Hungarian border.
View through barbed wire on the train the Hungarian police. Several thousand refugees arrived in Croatia and started to walk towards the Hungarian border, where they will continue to travel by train to Austria. Most refugees want to get to Germany. All Hungarian border will be closed after a few hours.
Refugees are waiting to cross into Hungary to reach the train which travels to Austria. Most refugees want to get to Germany. All Hungarian border will be closed after a few hours.
The girl is holding the hand of her parents while she is waiting to cross into Hungary to reach the train which travels to Austria. The night is cold, all refugees want to get on the train because the Hungarian border will be closed in a few hours.